Welcome to CATCH Superstars

At CATCH, we are proud to call you a team member and we aim to create an environment in which you can grow to your full potential, develop your talents, exercise creativity and thrive.

Superstars is a Volunteer Development Programme created by CATCH and Engage which empowers volunteers of all ages to develop the necessary life skills, knowledge and experiences. This will set them on a path to becoming a good citizen and a future leader whilst making a positive difference in and around their local communities.

How it works

The programme has four elements

Being a dedicated and engaged volunteer

The ability to do something successfully and efficiently

Skills required through experience or education

Reward & Recognition
To reward and recognise achievement and show progression

By successfully completing tasks, training courses and volunteering your time, you will quickly find yourself progressing through the star badge ranks unlocking a range of incentives and awards.

Along the way you will develop skills and attributes that will serve you well throughout your lifetime and open doors to new opportunities.

How do I sign up?

You will automatically be enrolled on the Superstars programme upon completion of your volunteer training.

Got questions?

Please direct any questions to volunteers@arkleeds.co.uk.

Already signed up?

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